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from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import sys
# sys.path.append("./pb2")
import osirix_pb2_grpc
from typing import Tuple
from ResponseProcessor import ResponseProcessor

class DicomStudy(object):
    Class representing the properties and methods to communicate with the Osirix service through
    gRPC for a study
    # osirixrpc_uid = None
    # response_processor = None
    # osirix_service = None

    def __init__(self,
                 osirixrpc_uid : str,
                 osirix_service : osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub,
        self.response_processor = ResponseProcessor()
        self.osirixrpc_uid = osirixrpc_uid
        self.osirix_service = osirix_service

    def date(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides the datetime associated with the DicomStudy
            datetime: date and time for the study
        response_study_date = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyDate(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date = self.response_processor.process_datetime(response=response_study_date)
        return study_date

    # @date.setter
    # def date(self, response):
    #     self._date = response

    def date_added(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides date added associated with the DicomStudy
            datetime: date added of the study
        response_study_date_added = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyDateAdded(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date_added = self.response_processor.process_datetime(response=response_study_date_added)
        self._date_added = study_date_added
        return self._date_added

    # @date_added.setter
    # def date_added(self, response):
    #     self._date_added = response

    def date_of_birth(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides the date of the birth for the patient associated with the DicomStudy
            datetime : study patient's date of birth
        response_study_date_of_birth = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyDateOfBirth(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date_of_birth = self.response_processor.process_dob_datetime(response_study_date_of_birth)
        self._date_of_birth = study_date_of_birth
        return self._date_of_birth

    def institution_name(self) -> str:
        Provides institution name associated with the DicomStudy
            str : name of the institution for the study
        response_study_institution_name = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyInstitutionName(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_institution_name = self.response_processor.process_institution_name(response_study_institution_name)
        self._institution_name = study_institution_name
        return self._institution_name

    # @institution_name.setter
    # def institution_name(self, response) -> None:
    #     self._institution_name = response

    def modalities(self) -> str:
        Provides the modalities associated with the DicomStudy
            str : modalities for the study
        response_study_modalities = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyModalities(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._modalities = self.response_processor.process_study_modality(response_study_modalities)

        return self._modalities

    def name(self) -> str:
        Provides name associated with the DicomStudy
            str : name of the study
        response_study_name = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyName(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._name = self.response_processor.process_name(response_study_name)

        return self._name

    def number_of_images(self) -> int:
        Provides number of images associated with the DicomStudy
            int : number of image for the study
        response_study_no_of_images = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyNumberOfImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._study_number_of_images = self.response_processor.process_no_images(response_study_no_of_images)
        return self._study_number_of_images

    def patient_id(self) -> str:
        Provides id of the patient associated with the DicomStudy
            str : patient's id
        response_study_patient_id = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPatientID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._patient_id = self.response_processor.process_patient_id(response_study_patient_id)

        return self._patient_id

    def patient_sex(self) -> str:
        Provides sex of the patient associated with the DicomStudy
            str : patient's sex
        response_study_patient_sex = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPatientSex(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._patient_sex = self.response_processor.process_patient_sex(response_study_patient_sex)

        return self._patient_sex

    def patient_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides uid of the patient associated with the DicomStudy
            str : patient uid
        response_study_patient_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPatientUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._patient_uid = self.response_processor.process_patient_uid(response_study_patient_uid)
        return self._patient_uid

    def performing_physician(self) -> str:
        Provides the performing physician associated with the DicomStudy
            str : performing physician
        response_study_performing_physician = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPerformingPhysician(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._performing_physician = self.response_processor.process_performing_physician(response_study_performing_physician)
        return self._performing_physician

    def referring_physician(self) -> str:
        Provides referring physician associated with the DicomStudy
            str : referrring physician
        response_study_referring_physician = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPerformingPhysician(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._referring_physician = self.response_processor.process_referring_physician(response_study_referring_physician)
        return self._referring_physician

    def series(self) -> Tuple[DicomSeries, ...]:
        Provides all the series associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing all the DicomSeries for the study
        response_study_series = self.osirix_service.DicomStudySeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_series = self.response_processor.process_study_series(response_study_series)
        dicom_series_tuple : Tuple[DicomSeries, ...] = ()

        for series in study_series:
            dicom_series = DicomSeries(series, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_series_tuple = dicom_series_tuple + (dicom_series,)

        self._series = dicom_series_tuple

        return self._series

    def study_instance_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides study instance uid associated with the DicomStudy
            str : study instance uid
        response_study_study_instance_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyStudyInstanceUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._study_instance_uid = self.response_processor.process_study_instance_uid(response_study_study_instance_uid)

        return self._study_instance_uid

    def study_name(self) -> str:
        Provides the study name associated with the DicomStudy
            str : study name
        response_study_study_name = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyStudyName(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._study_study_name = self.response_processor.process_study_study_name(response_study_study_name)
        return self._study_study_name

    def no_files(self) -> int:
        Provides number of files associated with the DicomStudy
            int: number of files for the study
        response_study_no_of_files = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyNoFiles(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_no_of_files = self.response_processor.process_num_files(response_study_no_of_files)
        return study_no_of_files

    def images(self) -> Tuple[DicomImage, ...]:
        Provides all the images associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing all the DicomImage for the study

        response_study_images = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_images = self.response_processor.process_images(response_study_images)
        dicom_image_tuple : Tuple[DicomImage, ...] = ()

        for image in study_images:
            dicom_image = DicomImage(image, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_image_tuple = dicom_image_tuple + (dicom_image,)

        return dicom_image_tuple

    def image_series(self) -> Tuple[DicomSeries, ...]:
        Provides all the series associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing all the DicomSeries for the study
        response_study_series = self.osirix_service.DicomStudySeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_series = self.response_processor.process_study_series(response_study_series)
        dicom_series_tuple : Tuple[DicomSeries, ...] = ()

        for series in study_series:
            dicom_series = DicomSeries(series, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_series_tuple = dicom_series_tuple + (dicom_series,)

        return dicom_series_tuple

    def no_files_excluding_multframes(self) -> int:
        Provides number of files excluding multiple frames associated with the DicomStudy
            int : name of files without multiple frames
        response_study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyNoFilesExcludingMultiFrames(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes = self.response_processor.process_num_files(response_study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes)

        return study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes

    def paths(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        Provides the paths associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing the paths for the study

        response_study_paths = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPaths(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_paths = self.response_processor.process_paths(response_study_paths)

        return study_paths

    def raw_no_files(self) -> int:
        Provides the raw number of files associated with the DicomStudy
            int : raw number of the files for the study
        response_study_raw_no_of_files = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyRawNoFiles(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_raw_no_of_files = self.response_processor.process_num_files(response_study_raw_no_of_files)

        return study_raw_no_of_files

class DicomSeries(object):
    Class representing the properties and methods to communicate with the Osirix service through
    gRPC for a series
    # osirixrpc_uid = None
    # response_processor = None
    # osirix_service = None

    def __init__(self,
                 osirixrpc_uid: str,
                 osirix_service: osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub
        self.response_processor = ResponseProcessor()
        self.osirixrpc_uid = osirixrpc_uid
        self.osirix_service = osirix_service

    def date(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides the date associated with the DicomSeries
            datetime : date of the series
        response_study_date = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyDate(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date = self.response_processor.process_datetime(response=response_study_date)
        self._date = study_date
        return self._date

    # @date.setter
    # def date(self, response):
    #     self._date = response

    def images(self) -> Tuple[DicomImage, ...]:
        Provides the imagesassociated with the DicomSeries
            A Tuple containing the DicomImages in the series
        response_series_images = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        series_images = self.response_processor.process_images(response_series_images)
        dicom_image_tuple : Tuple[DicomImage, ...] = ()

        for image in series_images:
            dicom_image = DicomImage(image, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_image_tuple = dicom_image_tuple + (dicom_image,)

        self._images = dicom_image_tuple

        return self._images

    def modality(self) -> str:
        response_series_modality = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesModality(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._modality = self.response_processor.process_modality(response_series_modality)
        return self._modality

    def name(self) -> str:
        Provides thename associated with the DicomSeries
            string : name of the series
        response_series_name = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesName(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._name = self.response_processor.process_name(response_series_name)

        return self._name

    #No number of images for Dicom Series response
    def number_of_images(self) -> int:
        Provides the number of images in the the DicomSeries
           int : number of images in the series
        self._number_of_images = 0
        return self._number_of_images

    def series_description(self) -> str:
        Provides the description of the DicomSeries
           string : the description for the series
        response_series_series_description = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesSeriesDescription(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._series_description = self.response_processor.process_series_description(response_series_series_description)

        return self._series_description

    def series_instance_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides the series instance uid associated with the DicomSeries
            string : series instance uid of the series
        response_series_instance_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesSeriesInstanceUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._series_instance_uid = self.response_processor.process_series_instance_uid(response_series_instance_uid)
        return self._series_instance_uid

    def sop_class_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides the sop class uid associated with the DicomSeries
           str : sop class uid of the series
        response_series_sop_class_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesSeriesSOPClassUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._sop_class_uid = self.response_processor.process_series_sop_class_uid(response_series_sop_class_uid)
        return self._sop_class_uid

    def study(self) -> DicomStudy:
        Provides the study associated with the series
           DicomStudy : study related to the series
        response_series_study = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesStudy(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_series = self.response_processor.process_series_study(response_series_study)

        self._study = DicomStudy(study_series, self.osirix_service)

        return self._study

    def next_series(self) -> DicomSeries:
        Provides the next series in the study
           DicomSeries : the next series in the study

        response_series_next_series = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesNextSeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_next_series = self.response_processor.process_series_next_series(response_series_next_series)

        series_next_series_obj = DicomSeries(series_next_series, self.osirix_service)

        return series_next_series_obj

    def paths(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        Provides the paths for the series
           A Tuple containing string paths of the series

        response_series_paths = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesPaths(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_paths = self.response_processor.process_paths(response_series_paths)

        return series_paths

    def previous_series(self) -> DicomSeries:
        Provides the previous series in the study
           Returns DicomSeries of a previous series

        response_series_previous_series = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesPreviousSeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_previous_series = self.response_processor.process_series_previous_series(response_series_previous_series)

        series_previous_series_obj = DicomSeries(series_previous_series, self.osirix_service)

        return series_previous_series_obj

    def sorted_images(self) -> Tuple[DicomImage, ...]:
        Provides the sorted images associated with the DicomSeries
           A Tuple containing DicomImage that are sorted
        response_series_sorted_images = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesSortedImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_sorted_images = self.response_processor.process_series_sorted_image(response_series_sorted_images)

        dicom_image_tuple : Tuple[DicomImage, ...] = ()

        for image in series_sorted_images:
            dicom_image = DicomImage(image, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_image_tuple = dicom_image_tuple + (dicom_image,)

        return dicom_image_tuple

class DicomImage(object):
    Class representing the properties and methods to communicate with the Osirix service through
    gRPC for an image
    # osirixrpc_uid = None
    # response_processor = None
    # osirix_service = None

    def __init__(self,
                 osirixrpc_uid : str,
                 osirix_service : osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub
        self.response_processor = ResponseProcessor()
        self.osirixrpc_uid = osirixrpc_uid
        self.osirix_service = osirix_service

    def date(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides the datetime for the DicomImage
            datetime : the datetime of the DicomImage
        response_image_date = self.osirix_service.DicomImageDate(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date = self.response_processor.process_datetime(response=response_image_date)
        self._date = study_date
        return self._date

    def instance_number(self) -> int:
        Provides the instance number for the DicomImage
           int : the instance number of the DicomImage
        response_image_instance_number = self.osirix_service.DicomImageInstanceNumber(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._instance_number = self.response_processor.process_image_instance_number(response_image_instance_number)
        return self._instance_number

    def modality(self) -> str:
        Provides the modality for the DicomImage
           str : the modality of the DicomImage
        response_image_modality = self.osirix_service.DicomImageModality(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._modality = self.response_processor.process_modality(response_image_modality)
        return self._modality

    def number_of_frames(self) -> int:
        Provides the number of frames for the DicomImage
           int : the number of frames of the DicomImage
        response_image_no_of_frames = self.osirix_service.DicomImageNumberOfFrames(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._number_of_frames = self.response_processor.process_image_number_of_frames(response_image_no_of_frames)
        return self._number_of_frames

    def series(self) -> DicomSeries:
        Provides the series that the DicomImage is associated with
           the DicomSeries of the DicomImage
        response_image_series = self.osirix_service.DicomImageSeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        image_series = self.response_processor.process_image_series(response_image_series)
        print("Image Series : " + str(image_series))
        self._series = DicomSeries(image_series, self.osirix_service)
        return self._series

    def slice_location(self) -> float:
        Provides the instance number for the DicomImage
           float : the instance number of the DicomImage
        response_image_slice_location = self.osirix_service.DicomImageSliceLocation(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._slice_location = self.response_processor.process_image_slice_location(response_image_slice_location)

        return self._slice_location

    def complete_path(self) -> str:
        Provides the complete path for the DicomImage
           str : the complete path of the DicomImage

        response_image_complete_path = self.osirix_service.DicomImageCompletePath(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        image_complete_path = self.response_processor.process_image_complete_path(response_image_complete_path)

        return image_complete_path

    def height(self) -> int:
        Provides the height for the DicomImage
           int : the height of the DicomImage

        response_image_height = self.osirix_service.DicomImageHeight(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        image_height = self.response_processor.process_image_height(response_image_height)

        return image_height

    def sop_instance_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides the sop_instance_uid for the DicomImage
           str: the sop_instance_uid of the DicomImage

        response_image_sop_instance_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomImageSOPInstanceUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        image_sop_instance_uid = self.response_processor.process_image_sop_instance_uid(response_image_sop_instance_uid)

        return image_sop_instance_uid

    def width(self) -> int:
        Provides the width for the DicomImage
           int: the width of the DicomImage

        response_image_width = self.osirix_service.DicomImageWidth(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        image_width = self.response_processor.process_image_width(response_image_width)

        return image_width
#   class DicomStudy:
View Source
class DicomStudy(object):
    Class representing the properties and methods to communicate with the Osirix service through
    gRPC for a study
    # osirixrpc_uid = None
    # response_processor = None
    # osirix_service = None

    def __init__(self,
                 osirixrpc_uid : str,
                 osirix_service : osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub,
        self.response_processor = ResponseProcessor()
        self.osirixrpc_uid = osirixrpc_uid
        self.osirix_service = osirix_service

    def date(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides the datetime associated with the DicomStudy
            datetime: date and time for the study
        response_study_date = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyDate(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date = self.response_processor.process_datetime(response=response_study_date)
        return study_date

    # @date.setter
    # def date(self, response):
    #     self._date = response

    def date_added(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides date added associated with the DicomStudy
            datetime: date added of the study
        response_study_date_added = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyDateAdded(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date_added = self.response_processor.process_datetime(response=response_study_date_added)
        self._date_added = study_date_added
        return self._date_added

    # @date_added.setter
    # def date_added(self, response):
    #     self._date_added = response

    def date_of_birth(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides the date of the birth for the patient associated with the DicomStudy
            datetime : study patient's date of birth
        response_study_date_of_birth = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyDateOfBirth(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date_of_birth = self.response_processor.process_dob_datetime(response_study_date_of_birth)
        self._date_of_birth = study_date_of_birth
        return self._date_of_birth

    def institution_name(self) -> str:
        Provides institution name associated with the DicomStudy
            str : name of the institution for the study
        response_study_institution_name = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyInstitutionName(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_institution_name = self.response_processor.process_institution_name(response_study_institution_name)
        self._institution_name = study_institution_name
        return self._institution_name

    # @institution_name.setter
    # def institution_name(self, response) -> None:
    #     self._institution_name = response

    def modalities(self) -> str:
        Provides the modalities associated with the DicomStudy
            str : modalities for the study
        response_study_modalities = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyModalities(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._modalities = self.response_processor.process_study_modality(response_study_modalities)

        return self._modalities

    def name(self) -> str:
        Provides name associated with the DicomStudy
            str : name of the study
        response_study_name = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyName(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._name = self.response_processor.process_name(response_study_name)

        return self._name

    def number_of_images(self) -> int:
        Provides number of images associated with the DicomStudy
            int : number of image for the study
        response_study_no_of_images = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyNumberOfImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._study_number_of_images = self.response_processor.process_no_images(response_study_no_of_images)
        return self._study_number_of_images

    def patient_id(self) -> str:
        Provides id of the patient associated with the DicomStudy
            str : patient's id
        response_study_patient_id = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPatientID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._patient_id = self.response_processor.process_patient_id(response_study_patient_id)

        return self._patient_id

    def patient_sex(self) -> str:
        Provides sex of the patient associated with the DicomStudy
            str : patient's sex
        response_study_patient_sex = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPatientSex(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._patient_sex = self.response_processor.process_patient_sex(response_study_patient_sex)

        return self._patient_sex

    def patient_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides uid of the patient associated with the DicomStudy
            str : patient uid
        response_study_patient_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPatientUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._patient_uid = self.response_processor.process_patient_uid(response_study_patient_uid)
        return self._patient_uid

    def performing_physician(self) -> str:
        Provides the performing physician associated with the DicomStudy
            str : performing physician
        response_study_performing_physician = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPerformingPhysician(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._performing_physician = self.response_processor.process_performing_physician(response_study_performing_physician)
        return self._performing_physician

    def referring_physician(self) -> str:
        Provides referring physician associated with the DicomStudy
            str : referrring physician
        response_study_referring_physician = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPerformingPhysician(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._referring_physician = self.response_processor.process_referring_physician(response_study_referring_physician)
        return self._referring_physician

    def series(self) -> Tuple[DicomSeries, ...]:
        Provides all the series associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing all the DicomSeries for the study
        response_study_series = self.osirix_service.DicomStudySeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_series = self.response_processor.process_study_series(response_study_series)
        dicom_series_tuple : Tuple[DicomSeries, ...] = ()

        for series in study_series:
            dicom_series = DicomSeries(series, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_series_tuple = dicom_series_tuple + (dicom_series,)

        self._series = dicom_series_tuple

        return self._series

    def study_instance_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides study instance uid associated with the DicomStudy
            str : study instance uid
        response_study_study_instance_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyStudyInstanceUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._study_instance_uid = self.response_processor.process_study_instance_uid(response_study_study_instance_uid)

        return self._study_instance_uid

    def study_name(self) -> str:
        Provides the study name associated with the DicomStudy
            str : study name
        response_study_study_name = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyStudyName(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._study_study_name = self.response_processor.process_study_study_name(response_study_study_name)
        return self._study_study_name

    def no_files(self) -> int:
        Provides number of files associated with the DicomStudy
            int: number of files for the study
        response_study_no_of_files = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyNoFiles(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_no_of_files = self.response_processor.process_num_files(response_study_no_of_files)
        return study_no_of_files

    def images(self) -> Tuple[DicomImage, ...]:
        Provides all the images associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing all the DicomImage for the study

        response_study_images = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_images = self.response_processor.process_images(response_study_images)
        dicom_image_tuple : Tuple[DicomImage, ...] = ()

        for image in study_images:
            dicom_image = DicomImage(image, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_image_tuple = dicom_image_tuple + (dicom_image,)

        return dicom_image_tuple

    def image_series(self) -> Tuple[DicomSeries, ...]:
        Provides all the series associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing all the DicomSeries for the study
        response_study_series = self.osirix_service.DicomStudySeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_series = self.response_processor.process_study_series(response_study_series)
        dicom_series_tuple : Tuple[DicomSeries, ...] = ()

        for series in study_series:
            dicom_series = DicomSeries(series, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_series_tuple = dicom_series_tuple + (dicom_series,)

        return dicom_series_tuple

    def no_files_excluding_multframes(self) -> int:
        Provides number of files excluding multiple frames associated with the DicomStudy
            int : name of files without multiple frames
        response_study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyNoFilesExcludingMultiFrames(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes = self.response_processor.process_num_files(response_study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes)

        return study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes

    def paths(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        Provides the paths associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing the paths for the study

        response_study_paths = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPaths(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_paths = self.response_processor.process_paths(response_study_paths)

        return study_paths

    def raw_no_files(self) -> int:
        Provides the raw number of files associated with the DicomStudy
            int : raw number of the files for the study
        response_study_raw_no_of_files = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyRawNoFiles(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_raw_no_of_files = self.response_processor.process_num_files(response_study_raw_no_of_files)

        return study_raw_no_of_files

Class representing the properties and methods to communicate with the Osirix service through gRPC for a study

#   DicomStudy( osirixrpc_uid: str, osirix_service: osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub )
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    def __init__(self,
                 osirixrpc_uid : str,
                 osirix_service : osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub,
        self.response_processor = ResponseProcessor()
        self.osirixrpc_uid = osirixrpc_uid
        self.osirix_service = osirix_service
#   date: datetime.datetime

Provides the datetime associated with the DicomStudy Returns: datetime: date and time for the study

#   date_added: datetime.datetime

Provides date added associated with the DicomStudy Returns: datetime: date added of the study

#   date_of_birth: datetime.datetime

Provides the date of the birth for the patient associated with the DicomStudy Returns: datetime : study patient's date of birth

#   institution_name: str

Provides institution name associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : name of the institution for the study

#   modalities: str

Provides the modalities associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : modalities for the study

#   name: str

Provides name associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : name of the study

#   number_of_images: int

Provides number of images associated with the DicomStudy Returns: int : number of image for the study

#   patient_id: str

Provides id of the patient associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : patient's id

#   patient_sex: str

Provides sex of the patient associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : patient's sex

#   patient_uid: str

Provides uid of the patient associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : patient uid

#   performing_physician: str

Provides the performing physician associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : performing physician

#   referring_physician: str

Provides referring physician associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : referrring physician

Provides all the series associated with the DicomStudy Returns: Tuple containing all the DicomSeries for the study

#   study_instance_uid: str

Provides study instance uid associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : study instance uid

#   study_name: str

Provides the study name associated with the DicomStudy Returns: str : study name

#   def no_files(self) -> int:
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    def no_files(self) -> int:
        Provides number of files associated with the DicomStudy
            int: number of files for the study
        response_study_no_of_files = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyNoFiles(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_no_of_files = self.response_processor.process_num_files(response_study_no_of_files)
        return study_no_of_files

Provides number of files associated with the DicomStudy Returns: int: number of files for the study

#   def images(self) -> Tuple[pyosirix.osirix.Dicom.DicomImage, ...]:
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    def images(self) -> Tuple[DicomImage, ...]:
        Provides all the images associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing all the DicomImage for the study

        response_study_images = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_images = self.response_processor.process_images(response_study_images)
        dicom_image_tuple : Tuple[DicomImage, ...] = ()

        for image in study_images:
            dicom_image = DicomImage(image, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_image_tuple = dicom_image_tuple + (dicom_image,)

        return dicom_image_tuple

Provides all the images associated with the DicomStudy Returns: Tuple containing all the DicomImage for the study

#   def image_series(self) -> Tuple[pyosirix.osirix.Dicom.DicomSeries, ...]:
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    def image_series(self) -> Tuple[DicomSeries, ...]:
        Provides all the series associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing all the DicomSeries for the study
        response_study_series = self.osirix_service.DicomStudySeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_series = self.response_processor.process_study_series(response_study_series)
        dicom_series_tuple : Tuple[DicomSeries, ...] = ()

        for series in study_series:
            dicom_series = DicomSeries(series, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_series_tuple = dicom_series_tuple + (dicom_series,)

        return dicom_series_tuple

Provides all the series associated with the DicomStudy Returns: Tuple containing all the DicomSeries for the study

#   def no_files_excluding_multframes(self) -> int:
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    def no_files_excluding_multframes(self) -> int:
        Provides number of files excluding multiple frames associated with the DicomStudy
            int : name of files without multiple frames
        response_study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyNoFilesExcludingMultiFrames(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes = self.response_processor.process_num_files(response_study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes)

        return study_no_of_files_excl_multiframes

Provides number of files excluding multiple frames associated with the DicomStudy Returns: int : name of files without multiple frames

#   def paths(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
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    def paths(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        Provides the paths associated with the DicomStudy
            Tuple containing the paths for the study

        response_study_paths = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyPaths(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_paths = self.response_processor.process_paths(response_study_paths)

        return study_paths

Provides the paths associated with the DicomStudy Returns: Tuple containing the paths for the study

#   def raw_no_files(self) -> int:
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    def raw_no_files(self) -> int:
        Provides the raw number of files associated with the DicomStudy
            int : raw number of the files for the study
        response_study_raw_no_of_files = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyRawNoFiles(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_raw_no_of_files = self.response_processor.process_num_files(response_study_raw_no_of_files)

        return study_raw_no_of_files

Provides the raw number of files associated with the DicomStudy Returns: int : raw number of the files for the study

#   class DicomSeries:
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class DicomSeries(object):
    Class representing the properties and methods to communicate with the Osirix service through
    gRPC for a series
    # osirixrpc_uid = None
    # response_processor = None
    # osirix_service = None

    def __init__(self,
                 osirixrpc_uid: str,
                 osirix_service: osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub
        self.response_processor = ResponseProcessor()
        self.osirixrpc_uid = osirixrpc_uid
        self.osirix_service = osirix_service

    def date(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides the date associated with the DicomSeries
            datetime : date of the series
        response_study_date = self.osirix_service.DicomStudyDate(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date = self.response_processor.process_datetime(response=response_study_date)
        self._date = study_date
        return self._date

    # @date.setter
    # def date(self, response):
    #     self._date = response

    def images(self) -> Tuple[DicomImage, ...]:
        Provides the imagesassociated with the DicomSeries
            A Tuple containing the DicomImages in the series
        response_series_images = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        series_images = self.response_processor.process_images(response_series_images)
        dicom_image_tuple : Tuple[DicomImage, ...] = ()

        for image in series_images:
            dicom_image = DicomImage(image, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_image_tuple = dicom_image_tuple + (dicom_image,)

        self._images = dicom_image_tuple

        return self._images

    def modality(self) -> str:
        response_series_modality = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesModality(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._modality = self.response_processor.process_modality(response_series_modality)
        return self._modality

    def name(self) -> str:
        Provides thename associated with the DicomSeries
            string : name of the series
        response_series_name = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesName(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._name = self.response_processor.process_name(response_series_name)

        return self._name

    #No number of images for Dicom Series response
    def number_of_images(self) -> int:
        Provides the number of images in the the DicomSeries
           int : number of images in the series
        self._number_of_images = 0
        return self._number_of_images

    def series_description(self) -> str:
        Provides the description of the DicomSeries
           string : the description for the series
        response_series_series_description = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesSeriesDescription(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        self._series_description = self.response_processor.process_series_description(response_series_series_description)

        return self._series_description

    def series_instance_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides the series instance uid associated with the DicomSeries
            string : series instance uid of the series
        response_series_instance_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesSeriesInstanceUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._series_instance_uid = self.response_processor.process_series_instance_uid(response_series_instance_uid)
        return self._series_instance_uid

    def sop_class_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides the sop class uid associated with the DicomSeries
           str : sop class uid of the series
        response_series_sop_class_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesSeriesSOPClassUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._sop_class_uid = self.response_processor.process_series_sop_class_uid(response_series_sop_class_uid)
        return self._sop_class_uid

    def study(self) -> DicomStudy:
        Provides the study associated with the series
           DicomStudy : study related to the series
        response_series_study = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesStudy(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        study_series = self.response_processor.process_series_study(response_series_study)

        self._study = DicomStudy(study_series, self.osirix_service)

        return self._study

    def next_series(self) -> DicomSeries:
        Provides the next series in the study
           DicomSeries : the next series in the study

        response_series_next_series = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesNextSeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_next_series = self.response_processor.process_series_next_series(response_series_next_series)

        series_next_series_obj = DicomSeries(series_next_series, self.osirix_service)

        return series_next_series_obj

    def paths(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        Provides the paths for the series
           A Tuple containing string paths of the series

        response_series_paths = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesPaths(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_paths = self.response_processor.process_paths(response_series_paths)

        return series_paths

    def previous_series(self) -> DicomSeries:
        Provides the previous series in the study
           Returns DicomSeries of a previous series

        response_series_previous_series = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesPreviousSeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_previous_series = self.response_processor.process_series_previous_series(response_series_previous_series)

        series_previous_series_obj = DicomSeries(series_previous_series, self.osirix_service)

        return series_previous_series_obj

    def sorted_images(self) -> Tuple[DicomImage, ...]:
        Provides the sorted images associated with the DicomSeries
           A Tuple containing DicomImage that are sorted
        response_series_sorted_images = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesSortedImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_sorted_images = self.response_processor.process_series_sorted_image(response_series_sorted_images)

        dicom_image_tuple : Tuple[DicomImage, ...] = ()

        for image in series_sorted_images:
            dicom_image = DicomImage(image, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_image_tuple = dicom_image_tuple + (dicom_image,)

        return dicom_image_tuple

Class representing the properties and methods to communicate with the Osirix service through gRPC for a series

#   DicomSeries( osirixrpc_uid: str, osirix_service: osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub )
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    def __init__(self,
                 osirixrpc_uid: str,
                 osirix_service: osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub
        self.response_processor = ResponseProcessor()
        self.osirixrpc_uid = osirixrpc_uid
        self.osirix_service = osirix_service
#   date: datetime.datetime

Provides the date associated with the DicomSeries Returns: datetime : date of the series

Provides the imagesassociated with the DicomSeries Returns: A Tuple containing the DicomImages in the series

#   modality: str
#   name: str

Provides thename associated with the DicomSeries Returns: string : name of the series

#   number_of_images: int

Provides the number of images in the the DicomSeries Returns: int : number of images in the series

#   series_description: str

Provides the description of the DicomSeries Returns: string : the description for the series

#   series_instance_uid: str

Provides the series instance uid associated with the DicomSeries Returns: string : series instance uid of the series

#   sop_class_uid: str

Provides the sop class uid associated with the DicomSeries Returns: str : sop class uid of the series

Provides the study associated with the series Returns: DicomStudy : study related to the series

#   def next_series(self) -> pyosirix.osirix.Dicom.DicomSeries:
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    def next_series(self) -> DicomSeries:
        Provides the next series in the study
           DicomSeries : the next series in the study

        response_series_next_series = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesNextSeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_next_series = self.response_processor.process_series_next_series(response_series_next_series)

        series_next_series_obj = DicomSeries(series_next_series, self.osirix_service)

        return series_next_series_obj

Provides the next series in the study Returns: DicomSeries : the next series in the study

#   def paths(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
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    def paths(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        Provides the paths for the series
           A Tuple containing string paths of the series

        response_series_paths = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesPaths(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_paths = self.response_processor.process_paths(response_series_paths)

        return series_paths

Provides the paths for the series Returns: A Tuple containing string paths of the series

#   def previous_series(self) -> pyosirix.osirix.Dicom.DicomSeries:
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    def previous_series(self) -> DicomSeries:
        Provides the previous series in the study
           Returns DicomSeries of a previous series

        response_series_previous_series = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesPreviousSeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_previous_series = self.response_processor.process_series_previous_series(response_series_previous_series)

        series_previous_series_obj = DicomSeries(series_previous_series, self.osirix_service)

        return series_previous_series_obj

Provides the previous series in the study Returns: Returns DicomSeries of a previous series

#   def sorted_images(self) -> Tuple[pyosirix.osirix.Dicom.DicomImage, ...]:
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    def sorted_images(self) -> Tuple[DicomImage, ...]:
        Provides the sorted images associated with the DicomSeries
           A Tuple containing DicomImage that are sorted
        response_series_sorted_images = self.osirix_service.DicomSeriesSortedImages(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        series_sorted_images = self.response_processor.process_series_sorted_image(response_series_sorted_images)

        dicom_image_tuple : Tuple[DicomImage, ...] = ()

        for image in series_sorted_images:
            dicom_image = DicomImage(image, self.osirix_service)
            dicom_image_tuple = dicom_image_tuple + (dicom_image,)

        return dicom_image_tuple

Provides the sorted images associated with the DicomSeries Returns: A Tuple containing DicomImage that are sorted

#   class DicomImage:
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class DicomImage(object):
    Class representing the properties and methods to communicate with the Osirix service through
    gRPC for an image
    # osirixrpc_uid = None
    # response_processor = None
    # osirix_service = None

    def __init__(self,
                 osirixrpc_uid : str,
                 osirix_service : osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub
        self.response_processor = ResponseProcessor()
        self.osirixrpc_uid = osirixrpc_uid
        self.osirix_service = osirix_service

    def date(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Provides the datetime for the DicomImage
            datetime : the datetime of the DicomImage
        response_image_date = self.osirix_service.DicomImageDate(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        study_date = self.response_processor.process_datetime(response=response_image_date)
        self._date = study_date
        return self._date

    def instance_number(self) -> int:
        Provides the instance number for the DicomImage
           int : the instance number of the DicomImage
        response_image_instance_number = self.osirix_service.DicomImageInstanceNumber(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._instance_number = self.response_processor.process_image_instance_number(response_image_instance_number)
        return self._instance_number

    def modality(self) -> str:
        Provides the modality for the DicomImage
           str : the modality of the DicomImage
        response_image_modality = self.osirix_service.DicomImageModality(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._modality = self.response_processor.process_modality(response_image_modality)
        return self._modality

    def number_of_frames(self) -> int:
        Provides the number of frames for the DicomImage
           int : the number of frames of the DicomImage
        response_image_no_of_frames = self.osirix_service.DicomImageNumberOfFrames(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._number_of_frames = self.response_processor.process_image_number_of_frames(response_image_no_of_frames)
        return self._number_of_frames

    def series(self) -> DicomSeries:
        Provides the series that the DicomImage is associated with
           the DicomSeries of the DicomImage
        response_image_series = self.osirix_service.DicomImageSeries(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        image_series = self.response_processor.process_image_series(response_image_series)
        print("Image Series : " + str(image_series))
        self._series = DicomSeries(image_series, self.osirix_service)
        return self._series

    def slice_location(self) -> float:
        Provides the instance number for the DicomImage
           float : the instance number of the DicomImage
        response_image_slice_location = self.osirix_service.DicomImageSliceLocation(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        self._slice_location = self.response_processor.process_image_slice_location(response_image_slice_location)

        return self._slice_location

    def complete_path(self) -> str:
        Provides the complete path for the DicomImage
           str : the complete path of the DicomImage

        response_image_complete_path = self.osirix_service.DicomImageCompletePath(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        image_complete_path = self.response_processor.process_image_complete_path(response_image_complete_path)

        return image_complete_path

    def height(self) -> int:
        Provides the height for the DicomImage
           int : the height of the DicomImage

        response_image_height = self.osirix_service.DicomImageHeight(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        image_height = self.response_processor.process_image_height(response_image_height)

        return image_height

    def sop_instance_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides the sop_instance_uid for the DicomImage
           str: the sop_instance_uid of the DicomImage

        response_image_sop_instance_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomImageSOPInstanceUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        image_sop_instance_uid = self.response_processor.process_image_sop_instance_uid(response_image_sop_instance_uid)

        return image_sop_instance_uid

    def width(self) -> int:
        Provides the width for the DicomImage
           int: the width of the DicomImage

        response_image_width = self.osirix_service.DicomImageWidth(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        image_width = self.response_processor.process_image_width(response_image_width)

        return image_width

Class representing the properties and methods to communicate with the Osirix service through gRPC for an image

#   DicomImage( osirixrpc_uid: str, osirix_service: osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub )
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    def __init__(self,
                 osirixrpc_uid : str,
                 osirix_service : osirix_pb2_grpc.OsiriXServiceStub
        self.response_processor = ResponseProcessor()
        self.osirixrpc_uid = osirixrpc_uid
        self.osirix_service = osirix_service
#   date: datetime.datetime

Provides the datetime for the DicomImage Returns: datetime : the datetime of the DicomImage

#   instance_number: int

Provides the instance number for the DicomImage Returns: int : the instance number of the DicomImage

#   modality: str

Provides the modality for the DicomImage Returns: str : the modality of the DicomImage

#   number_of_frames: int

Provides the number of frames for the DicomImage Returns: int : the number of frames of the DicomImage

Provides the series that the DicomImage is associated with Returns: the DicomSeries of the DicomImage

#   slice_location: float

Provides the instance number for the DicomImage Returns: float : the instance number of the DicomImage

#   def complete_path(self) -> str:
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    def complete_path(self) -> str:
        Provides the complete path for the DicomImage
           str : the complete path of the DicomImage

        response_image_complete_path = self.osirix_service.DicomImageCompletePath(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        image_complete_path = self.response_processor.process_image_complete_path(response_image_complete_path)

        return image_complete_path

Provides the complete path for the DicomImage Returns: str : the complete path of the DicomImage

#   def height(self) -> int:
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    def height(self) -> int:
        Provides the height for the DicomImage
           int : the height of the DicomImage

        response_image_height = self.osirix_service.DicomImageHeight(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        image_height = self.response_processor.process_image_height(response_image_height)

        return image_height

Provides the height for the DicomImage Returns: int : the height of the DicomImage

#   def sop_instance_uid(self) -> str:
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    def sop_instance_uid(self) -> str:
        Provides the sop_instance_uid for the DicomImage
           str: the sop_instance_uid of the DicomImage

        response_image_sop_instance_uid = self.osirix_service.DicomImageSOPInstanceUID(self.osirixrpc_uid)

        image_sop_instance_uid = self.response_processor.process_image_sop_instance_uid(response_image_sop_instance_uid)

        return image_sop_instance_uid

Provides the sop_instance_uid for the DicomImage Returns: str: the sop_instance_uid of the DicomImage

#   def width(self) -> int:
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    def width(self) -> int:
        Provides the width for the DicomImage
           int: the width of the DicomImage

        response_image_width = self.osirix_service.DicomImageWidth(self.osirixrpc_uid)
        image_width = self.response_processor.process_image_width(response_image_width)

        return image_width

Provides the width for the DicomImage Returns: int: the width of the DicomImage